Our Vision
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What is Ebbsfleet Garden City Trust?
In 2015, the proposal to build 15,000 new homes in Ebbsfleet was announced. Ebbsfleet is an international transport hub sitting between Dartford and Gravesend. Only 17 minutes from Kings Cross and central London, and two hours to Paris and Brussels, it sits within the chalk quarries and industrial heritage of northern Kent and has been sponsored by the Government to become a Garden City. This link shows you the boundaries of the Ebbsfleet Garden City. EGCT Boundary map
The future
It is expected to be completed in 2035, and will provide around 15,000 homes, 32,000 jobs and a network of 7 city parks and various open green spaces. All associated community spaces, health, leisure, educational facilities and arts and culture, are being designed as part of the development of the Ebbsfleet Garden City.
Implementation documents have been put together to show the design of the Ebbsfleet Garden City. It has been developed together with Developers, Local Authorities, and Local People to create a shared vision for Ebbsfleet. It covers plans for transport, jobs, housing, open spaces, community facilities (health, education, sports & leisure), arts & culture, etc…
Bite-size Implementation Framework
Full Implementation Framework

Ebbsfleet Garden City Areas
The Ebbsfleet Garden City consists of the following areas:
- Eastern Quarry / Whitecliffe – which encompasses the villages of Castle Hill, Ashmere and Alkerden
- Springhead Park
- Ebbsfleet Green
- Ebbsfleet Central
- Grove Rd (Northfleet Embankment West)
- Cable Wharf (Northfleet Embankment East)
- Ebbsfleet Cross – including Croxton Garry and Craylands Lane

How is Ebbsfleet Garden City Managed?
To ensure EGCT remains an open and transparent organisation, it will be managed by a group of trustees, who must abide by the rules set out by the Charity Commission and Companies House. This will ensure all legal and financial obligations are adhered to.
To ensure the EGCT also meets the needs of the local community, the trustees will be monitored and advised by the Guardianship group.

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Guardianship Group
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