Allotment welcome pack

Now that you have joined the world of allotment plot holders, we hope this is the beginning of an enjoyable, rewarding time, where not only do you improve your physical and mental health, but you meet many other like-minded neighbours. You may all be at different stages in life, but you all have the same desire to grow your own fruit, vegetables and flowers.

Along with the Tenancy Agreement, guidelines for using the allotments safely are contained in the Allotment Handbook, Health and Safety Policy and Risk Assessment.

Allotment Handbook

Allotment Handbook

The Allotment Handbook will answer most of your questions when it comes to what you can and cannot do on the allotments.

Health and Safety

Health and Safety

We all know how wonderful it is to be working outside, communing with nature, and it is easy to forget that gardening can be dangerous. Safety is of paramount importance when working on an allotment, with that in mind, here is our Health and Safety Policy.

Anti-Social Behaviour Policy

Anti-Social Behaviour Policy

Learn more about our anti social behaviour policy

Community Garden and Allotment Association

Would you like to be a part of the group that helps to run the Community Garden and Allotments?
Please join us, and become an even more influential part of the Ebbsfleet Gardening Community.

So How Does This Work?
An Association will be set up for each site – Springhead Park and Ebbsfleet Green.  All allotment plot holders will automatically become members of one of the Associations once they are set up. The Trust will lease the site to the Association, who will then manage how the sites are used, as well as administering the plots.

If you have ideas or thoughts about how the Community Garden and Allotments can be managed and used, or you just want to find out more about what helping to run the Association would entail, then please drop us a line on

Please read our Data Privacy Notice to ensure you understand how the Trust is using any personal data they have.

For any queries, questions or issues to report, please send an email to