Applying for an Allotment

If you wish to apply for an allotment plot in Springhead Park or Ebbsfleet Green, please read the information below, before completing the application form. The form should be returned via email.



Plot sizes vary, mainly ranging between 30 and 60 sqm.

Due to high demand, and our wish to enable as many residents as possible to have a plot,

we are offering smaller plots than you would usually see on an allotment.

This does also make them more manageable!



Plots are priced at 50p / sqm – so if you have a plot of 40 sqm, that will be £20 per year. There are no concessionary rates / discounts.



You must be a resident of Springhead Park or Ebbsfleet Green, and aged 18 or over.

Application Form

Once completed, email the form to You will need to include proof of address.

Please ensure you have read our Privacy Notice to understand how we will use the data you provide to us

What happens next

We will contact you,  confirming if you have been successful, the size allocated to you, and the price.

Once you have confirmed your acceptance of the plot allocated, you will be issued with an invoice and invited to sign the Tenancy Agreement. You will then be provided with the keys / access code to the allotment plots.

There will be opportunities to visit the sites. Further information will be provided to you via email.