A Thriving Community

The Ebbsfleet Garden City Trust works to ensure the Ebbsfleet Garden City continues to meet the needs of the whole community.

On completion the Ebbsfleet Garden City will provide the vision of EDC,
a community with:


City Parks


Community Buildings


acres of Community Gardens and Allotments


Local parks and children’s play areas


Sports Facilities

7 City Parks

Once completed the Garden City will have 7 major parks providing green open spaces for the use of residents, some with water sports, reflecting Ebbsfleet’s diverse landscape. For more information on where these will be look at the EDC website

11 Community Buildings

A number of community buildings will be built across the Garden City, providing spaces for local people and local organisations to hire for community or personal use, such as activity groups, children’s parties and meeting places.

Currently we have Eastgate and Castle Hill, the next one will be located in Ebbsfleet Green.

6.5 Acres of Community Gardens and Allotments

There are plans to have 4 Community Garden and Allotments sites, with the first located in Springhead Park and Ebbsfleet Green.

58 Local Parks

Ebbsfleet will provide 50 parks and open spaces, consisting of a variety of sizes and types. Each of the 9 villages in Ebbsfleet will have a local park, designed to support the needs of local residents. More information can be found on the EDC website

20 Sports Facilities

as well as 2 new buildings providing sports facilities, there will be a number of new sports pitches, courts and Multi-Use Games Areas (MUGA) available for community use.The Ebbsfleet Green Community Hub will have a sports focus and will be completed in 2025.

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Ebbsfleet Garden City Trust

The Trust was set up to ensure the Garden City remains a thriving community for all residents. So who or what is the Trust?

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Community Fund

Small grants are provided to local groups for community activities. The next funding round closes on:

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Community Garden and Allotments

Try your green fingers at the Community Gardens and Allotments

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