Ebbsfleet Garden City Trust

Ebbsfleet Garden City Trust (EGCT) has been set up to be the charitable legacy and stewardship organisation when Ebbsfleet Development Corporation (EDC) completes its work.

Over the next few years, there will be a considerable number of new parks and community buildings created in the Garden City to meet local community needs. It will be vital that these are all managed to ensure that they can be used by local residents and community groups, and are maintained to high standards for generations to come. That is the role of EGCT.

Proposed Responsibilities

Ebbsfleet Garden City Trust

Strategic Assets

• City Parks
• Green Corridors
• Gateway Sites
• Sports Facilities
• Community Centres
• Allotments

Neighbourhood Assets

• Public Realm
• Local Parks
• Play Areas


• Community Events
• Arts and Culture
• Community Development
• Work Skills
• Economic Development
• Community Cohesion

During 2021 EGCT will be set up as an independent charity with its own board of trustees, made up of residents and key stakeholders. Then from 2022 onwards, community allotments, buildings and large parks will be transferred to EGCT to be managed and maintained for the benefit of the community.

For general enquires: Info@EGCTrust.org.uk